Research Areas

  • International Law
  • International Investment Law
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • International Human Rights Law

Subramanian is an awardee of the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship by the European Commission, Brussels. He has received his education from a number of universities including the University of Vienna and the King’s College, London. He has previously worked as Assistant Professor at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata and the Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur. His publications include a number of peer-reviewed publications. He was invited by the World Justice Project of the American Bar Association for the development of the Rule of Law Index as an expert. He has presented his papers at the conferences organized by the Asian Society of International Law, Indian Society of International Law, Society of International Economic Law and other leading Asian universities. He is a member of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the Asian Society of International Law. 
  • Development of Liability Framework for Genetically Modified (GM) Food: Problems and Perspectives under International Law and Indian Law Subramanian S. R., Manchikanti P. , B. By International Journal of Private Law 9:4 - (2019)
  • International Trade and GM Crops: A Comparative Analysis of Safety Regulations and Their Institutional Framework in South Asian Countries Subramanian S. R., Manchikanti P. , S.k. B. By Bioscience Law Review 16:5 231-242 (2018)
  • Relocating India s approach to sovereignty: Where does responsibility to protect stand? Subramanian S. R., Singh V. By International Journal of Law 4:5 01- (2018)
  • Transparency and Confidentiality Requirements in Investment Treaty Arbitration Subramanian S. R., A S. By BRICS Law Journal 5:4 114- (2018)
  • Role of domestic courts in the investor-state dispute settlement process: the case of South Asian BITs Subramanian S. R., A S. By International Arbitration Law Review 20 42-54 (2017)
  • India and International Bio-safety Law: A Critical Legal Appraisal of the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill, 2013, Subramanian S. R., S. , S. By International Journal of Private Law 8:2 - (2016)
  • Participation of Amicus Curiae in Investment Arbitration S.R.Subramanian (with A. Saravanan) By Journal of Civil and Legal Sciences 5:4 - (2016)
  • South Asian Perspective on Institutional Mechanism for Introduction and Import of GM Crops by Balashanmugam S.K., Subramanian S.R., and Padmavati M.. Biotechnology Law Report, S.R.Subramanian By Biotechnology Law Report, 35:2 73-79 (2016)
  • Co-Principal Investigator

Ph. D. Students

Asif Ali

Area of Research: international law

Das Piu Sanjib Jayanti

Area of Research: Constitutional Process

Pooja Kumari

Area of Research: investment law

Shreyasee Mukherjee

Area of Research: international law

Swargodeep Sarkar

Area of Research: International law

Vijay Kumar

Area of Research: International law