Research Areas

My current research interests include organizational, interpersonal and intercultural communication, communication styles, conflict management, communication, happiness & well-being. I have worked on gender, self-disclosure, self-esteem and communication styles and published several papers. Workplace happiness, communication, happiness & well-being are  the area in which current research work is going on. Relationship matters a lot in many context and our communication bahaviour plays a vital role in building and maintaing  relationships. In our personal and professional lives, the relationship and commuication skills are very important. Another esearch is in progress related to  relationship and communication behaviour in organizational context.
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  • Co-Principal Investigator

Ph. D. Students


Area of Research: Sprituality & Happiness

Panna Lall

Area of Research:

Shubham Raj

Area of Research: Employee Resilience

Tsering Thargay

Area of Research: Science of Happiness and Well-being