School of Energy Science & Engineering (SESE) was started in 2013 as an inter-disciplinary program at IIT-Kharagpur. This School provides critical research inputs in all aspects of energy sectors as well as innovative technologies for energy systems. SESE also provides research leadership at the national and international level by offering an interdisciplinary research forum and academic program for the study of energy systems, which emphasize on technology demonstration and collaboration. This School has initiated Ph. D. programs in Energy Science and Engineering (from Autumn 2014-15) and a two-year M. Tech. program in Energy Science and Engineering ( from Autumn 2015-16). It has plans to offer MS by research and dual degree courses in future. These programs are intended to provide the students with a comprehensive exposure in energy engineering. This school conducts and supports research activities with multidisciplinary inputs from several departments/centers such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Materials Science, etc. The core areas of research are highlighted below:Fundamentals of Energy Sciences:Thermodynamics, Thermochemical and Electrochemical Reactions, Transport phenomena including heat and mass transfer and electrochemical phenomena, Solid-state phenomena including photo, thermal and electrical aspects, Bio-processes, Nano-sciences, Deep ocean processes, Gas and Fluid Dynamics, Nuclear sciences. Energy Resources:Non renewable and renewable resources - Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Wave, Ocean-thermal, Biomass, Hydrogen, etc. Energy Systems: Energy Conversion Systems for Oil, Gas, Coal, Solar, Wind, Biomass,Nuclear, Hydrogen, Ocean Waves and Waste, Power generation, Transmission, Distribution, and Access. Power Systems - IC Engines, Advanced Fuel Technology based combustion ignition, Electric, and Hybrid Systems. Embedded generation systems, Smart grids,Electrochemical systems, New age Fuel systems; Hybrid and electrical systems.Other Aspects of Energy Science & Engineering: Energy Materials; Energy Storage & Transportation; Energy Efficient Devices & Systems
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